Smartflow is a software solution that helps automate your warehouse and purchasing processes. We can offer you product overview, warehouse hotel and ordering portal in one solution. This will increase your competitive advantage in the market and free up both time and capacity in your company for other tasks. We store your information securely, so you only have to look for it in one place. Smartflow makes it all run automatically, but you can go in and retrieve information at any time and act on it yourself when you need to.
Smartflow ensures increased competitive advantages for you, frees up time and gives structure to your organisation and saves you from stock ties.
3 forskellige muligheder
Lagerhotel ved All Creative kan sammensættes af 3 muligheder. Produktoversigt, lagerhotel og bestillingsportal. Det er muligt kun at vælge en af løsningerne eller at benytte alle løsninger.
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