Grafisk design

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At All Creative, we strive to deliver sustainable solutions that benefit people, the environment and society. By joining the Graphic CSR Code, we are committed to social and environmental responsibility. The Graphic Industry CSR Code is based on the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, but is made more targeted to the graphic industry.

Mette Juhl Christensen

CEO, All Creative A/S

Graphic CSR Code

The aim of the Graphic CSR Code is to provide guidelines on how we as a company can contribute to solving the social and environmental challenges posed by globalisation. The principles of the Code show us the way in which we as a company, through our actions, respect fundamental human and labour rights, demonstrate responsibility towards the environment and counteract all forms of corruption.
Our accession to the Graphic CSR Code helps maintain our focus on social responsibility in our operations.

The 10 principles to which we are committed:

Human Rights
1. Support, respect and protect internationally proclaimed human rights
2. Ensure that human rights are not violated

Working conditions
3. Maintain freedom of association and recognise the right to collective bargaining
4. Support the eradication of all forms of forced labour
5. Support the effective abolition of child labour
6. Eliminate discrimination in relation to employment and occupation

7. Supporting a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
8. Take initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
9. Encourage the development and deployment of environmentally friendly technologies

Fight against corruption
10. Counter all forms of corruption, including extortion and bribery

We invest in climate projects and neutralise your CO2 emissions when you visit our website.


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Islevdalvej 214, DK-2610 Rødovre

Tulipvej 3, DK-7100 Vejle

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